Our mission is to ensure a sound and balanced regulatory environment for all listed companies and to protect our stock market’s integrity and efficiency, making sure that it is conducive to fund raising activities for the benefits of listed issuers and other market participants.
We achieve this by:
Strengthening linkages among Hong Kong listed companies and create a unified platform for them to express views over listing matters and policies, discuss market issues and connect with and learn from each other.
Acting as a primary communication channel between listed companies and market regulators and facilitating dialogue between them for exchange of views and mutual understanding.
Encouraging listed companies to adopt a high standard of corporate governance and promoting market integrity.
Creating opportunities for Hong Kong market participants and their mainland counterparts to connect with each other and discuss cross-border market development matters.
Promoting Collaboration and Understanding
CHKLC strives to strengthen the relationship between listed companies and relevant regulatory authorities and facilitate dialogue and understanding.
Regulatory policies that answer market needs and stakeholders’ concerns are fundamental to maintaining a smooth and effective operation of the market. By actively engaging regulators in policy matters, CHKLC ensures listed companies’ views and concerns can be reflected in the early stage of policy formulation.
Support from listed companies and other stakeholders is equally important to the successful implementation of new regulations. CHKLC invites government officials, executives from regulators and professionals to give seminars that explain details of upcoming rules and regulations in order to ensure a high level of compliance.
Sharing Knowledge and Information
CHKLC is dedicated to helping directors and senior executives of listed companies keep abreast with the latest market knowledge, trends and developments in Hong Kong and around the world and to impart new ideas and champion market best practices.
A wide range of professional training courses and seminars on topical stock market and economic matters is offered to bring members up-to-date with the latest in corporate governance measures and business issues, from understanding and complying with regulatory requirements to capturing growth opportunities, from avoiding risks, identifying frauds to managing investor relations.
CHKLC also runs an annual training programme, the "Directors Training Series" that aims to equip directors and senior executives of listed companies with the knowledge and skillsets to cope with the increasingly stringent regulatory requirements and complex market environment.
Advocating Strong Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is the cornerstone of a successful stock market. It underlines high market quality integrity and inspires investor confidence. We therefore make tremendous efforts in cultivating a solid corporate governance culture that promotes integrity, transparency and accountability and upholds the long term interests of the company and shareholders.
As early as in 2007, CHKLC initiated the first ever "Hong Kong Corporate Governance Charter" that encourages members to adopt corporate governance principles, values and practices over and beyond requirements. This is a pioneer effort to raise awareness of the importance of corporate governance and encourage companies to commit to the pursuit of excellence.In the same year, CHKLC instituted the "Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Awards". The Award, held every year since then, bestows the highest honour upon companies that demonstrate significant commitment and achievement in corporate governance. The Awards have become the most coveted awards in the area of corporate governance in Hong Kong. Led by a judging panel of the highest caliber, the judging process is most stringent. Winning the awards is the best testimony of a company’s efforts and achievement in corporate governance.
Fostering Market Connection
CHKLC actively promotes communication and interaction between listed companies and regulators from Hong Kong and the Mainland.
Among CHKLC’s many efforts to foster connection between Hong Kong and mainland listed companies was the Forum of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies hosted in Shanghai in 2012 and in Shenzhen in 2014. The forums provided invaluable opportunities for market participants from the Hong Kong and mainland markets to come together to share views and insights on a wide range of corporate governance and market development issues, thus achieving better understanding and a stronger sense of fellowship.
CHKLC organises visits to the mainland authorities from time to time to give members a better understanding of the latest national policies in banking, finance and capital markets.